Working in japan as an american reddit

Japan is massive, there are tons of Universities, and I need to be far more specific to help you kind folks guide me. Women and foreigners are treated like second class citizens. Pay is horrible-bosses are basically douche incarnate.

You have to make your life what you want it to be, regardless of where you live, by working hard and being proactive. I worked for a Japanese company a few years ago.

This is true not only for Japan , but for pretty much every non-European country subreddit. In Japan and the US, there are many similar permit systems, for ownership of controlled items, commerce, and things like that. The US has issues like this, but they are only present in some areas. Non-travel related Japan posts or generic travel posts belong in the appropriate related subs and will be removed from here. I’m a mechanical engineering student and hope to move to Japan.

As of right now, the most reasonable way is to work in the US and hope for a relocation in Japan. I will speak from my perspective as a foreign woman with an Asian background. Some older locals are opposed to the excessive military presence and perform protests outside the bases on a regular basis, but most people are indifferent.

The culture of work in Japan is needlessly hierarchical, decision-making is slow and consensual, flexible working is rare and suffocating rules penalise staff for the most trivial of infractions. Rooting out obtuse work practices, such as micro-management, presenteeism , superfluous meetings and paperwork, and the practice of awarding pay rises for seniority rather than performance could. In Japan , it is seen as an insult to the work ethic of the person you are tipping.

As I traveled the world over the past year, I spent three months in Asia, specifically in China, Korea, Singapore. In a Reddit AMA that Thurlow di. Japan from the US seems terrible, the world is split in teaching, washing disshes, or already having set a carrer and working in big company, never saw a american with a normal job, you know those jobs that average joes got.

The short answer is a resounding YES, but there is more to it than that. American animator Henry Thurlow. That being sai if you have a personal interest in working in Japan — it is often possible.

To get a work visa in Japan you need to find a sponsoring company. There are exceptions for those with ten years professional working experience in the trade you are looking to work). Hello everyone, it is me again. It is based in Texas and they have branches in all over the globe. It is an engineering position by the way.

I am living in Japan with a spouse visa, so I think the visa thing is not a big deal. Of course, if you love teaching English, nobody’s telling you to give it up and go work in an office, and we’re not trying to dump on English teaching as a profession (after all, given everything we’ve learned about Japan ’s level of English education, the country really needs good native teachers). This year Howard is releasing a new manga series—The Salaryman: Manga Edition.

This comes at number one in high paying jobs in Japan. Teaching of English in Japan is a very common job and the vacancies for this job are also available in god quantity in Japan. The second highest paying job in Japan is for IT professionals. Every nation will have dickheads and racists, but you don’t see Japanese racists burning crosses or shooting foreigners on sight at night, burning mosques or gangs of Japanese beating on foreigners.

Having a degree is essential in getting a working visa in Japan , so yeah, I’d say it definitely makes a huge difference. As I mentione working on the bases here in Japan , there is very little overtime for office workers.


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