Washington state department of labor industries debarred contractor list

You can search and filter this list using the options presented below. Debarred contractor list : This is a list of contractors who are not allowed to bid on or work on public works projects. To view the list of contractors who have received one or more strike under prevailing wage law , contractor registration law , industrial insurance law , or apprenticeship law , see contractor strikes. This is a list of contractors who received valid strike(s) for violation or infraction of prevailing wage law (RCW 3or 365), contractor registration law, (chapter 1RCW), industrial insurance law (RCW 520(1) or 51.

Track a contractor search. Contractor strikes.

Prevailing wage, Intents and Affidavits. Tips for home owners when hiring a contractor (ProtectMyHome). Pacific Time ( state holidays excluded). Masks are required for in-person appointments.

LI inspects electrical work, boilers, elevators and manufactured homes. We license electrical professionals, plumbers and construction contractors , and ensure their safe practices. Verify the business is registered with the Department of Revenue. Those identified on the contractor license application as owners of the contracting company.


Print out the search and keep them in the project file. Check Status of a Business or Professional License verified an active Department of Revenue tax registration. In accordance with EO 19 the Office of General Services (“OGS”) is required to post a list of debarred entities. This list is provided for informational purposes only. Get secure access to your information at LI and take advantage of our secure online services.

Workers’ compensation ( RCW 5). Official state website on the Corona virus. Handyman professionals are referred to as specialty contractors who perform minor work on existing properties with a value less than $000.

DOL maintains a debarment list of contractors who violate the prevailing wage laws, but it does not include other causes of disqualification. The State Department of Education does not keep any type of debarment list. We receive on average about percent of our Activity Prescription Forms through the HIE annually,” Gindy sai and the department has plans to add transactions for more medical claims forms in the future.

Washington does not offer a handyman license. Return to Organization list. The Occupations in Demand (OID) list is the key component on the “Learn about an occupation page.

Labor and Industries , Department of. Click here for detailed information about the list. The list consists only of occupations that have or more jobs within a designated geographical area.

If your search produces no , the occupation you picked is not on the list for. H-1B Willful Violators List.

PilieroMazza regularly assists clients with audits and investigations to understand and identify possible violations of applicable laws and regulations impacting government contracts, labor and employment, and corporate issues. Our team moves rapidly to perform internal investigations, develop the company’s response strategy, and prepare confidential and privileged reports to give executives. Once the department has approved you for testing, you will receive an eligibility notice.

Denied candidates are notified by the department of the elements they need to complete in order to be approved.


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