Pre up meaning

What does pre mean? When is a pre-nuptial agreement in order? Word forms: prenups. A prenup is the same as a prenuptial agreement. Prenup definition , a prenuptial agreement.

These agreements are fairly common if either or both parties have substantial assets, children from a prior marriage, potential inheritances, high incomes, or have been taken by a prior spouse.

English dictionary definition of prenup. Shorthand for Pre -nuptial agreement. This is a contract signed by both partners of the marriage before it happens, limiting the rights of one partner or both on event of divorce. Pre - is used to form words that indicate that something takes place before a particular date, perio or event.

The group raised its offer in an attempt to pre-empt a possible counterbid from a rival. A pre -nuptial agreement, or prenup, is an agreement entered into by a couple - preferably in good time before a marriage - which sets out how assets will be divided if they divorce or the marriage is dissolved. We hope they are never needed but they are there if the marriage ends. How do you use prenup in a sentence?

US President Trump’s negotiators brought a new brief text of the final communique to a pre-meeting of the G7.

Used at the end of a sentence to the tune of the awful phrase no homo. A heavy post of timber, concrete, or steel, driven into the earth as a foundation or support for a structure. Heraldry A wedge-shaped charge pointing downward. Predefined definition is - defined in advance.

How to use predefined in a sentence. It is common practice to perform routine testing on patients before they go to theatre. Prediabetes is characterised by the presence of blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classed as diabetes. For this reason, prediabetes is often described as the “gray area” between normal blood sugar and diabetic levels. See the dictionary meaning , pronunciation, and sentence examples.

You can be preoccupied with a person, a place, or even a hobby, like collecting baseball cards or seashells. Preoccupied can also mean that you are wrapped up in your own thoughts, which is good if you find yourself to be the most amusing person in the world. Money and finances can be an extremely toxic topic in a relationship.

When you should consider obtaining a prenuptial agreement. Definition of preread in the Definitions. Meaning of preread.

Information and translations of preread in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Schools are taking up the offer of cut-price computers. One of our greatest athletes has taken up a new challenge.

And if you don’t top- up your key or car you risk losing power to your home. If your prepaid key or card is lost or damage you should contact your energy supplier immediately. They will be able to sort a replacement – sometimes you can collect one from your local charge point while you wait for your new one to arrive – but you may be charged for any new cards or keys.

Typically, this light flashes only when an issue has been detected. The most common reason to replace glow plugs is age.


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