Convert smartform to adobe form in sap

Convert smartform to adobe form in sap

We would suggest, say Yes! In the same line of philosophy, they have provided an option to convert Smartforms to Adobe with some clicks. Step1:Go to transaction code SMARTFORMSand select the smart form to be converted into print adobe form. Here the form name is ZTEST1.

Hi, I have created adobe form. SAP Adobe Form Tutorial. Is it possible to convert that now as smart form ? I have seen the migration options for smartforms to adobe form. But please confirm if the reverse is possible and how?

You might enter as many users you want. How to Convert Smartform to Adobe Form ? I am planning to refer to this page for my future use case where I have a similar conveft. To use this, you need to perform the migration of all graphics. To perform the migration, you should use Transaction: SMARTFORMS. So function module was created to convert the smart form into PDF for the purpose of reusability.

Arun View my complete profile. Calling the Smart form , then it returns the OTF data in Return. That’s all , call the smartform with these parameters set as requirethe output triggered will get archived in the repository. Converting the OTF data into required format using the Function Module CONVERT _OTF_2_PDF. The popup window prompts for source smart form name and target Interactive form name and interface name.

Step8: Go to properties tab. You get the default interface type is ‘ Smart forms -Compatible Interface’ as shown. Activate the interface and come out to initial screen.

Step9: Now provide the form name mentioned above in the initial screen. Step10: Click on change button and following. Glad you found it useful. For the test, we are sending just to two users.

It would be a great help. To control the output, you need to pass different parameters at the interface of smart forms. Now you see the parameters of the function, hit test icon smartofrm. The output format setting is. You can also convert it into other formats like PDF.

Convert smartform to adobe form in sap

In the next dialog box, you should enter the name of the Smart Form to migrate, the PDF based target and the target interface. Generating transformations for smartfofm table types. PDF conversion for Smartform output in Print.

In RSTXPDFTthe input is given as spool number. Suppress the print dialog box by setting the NO_DIALOG flag of Below program converts the smartform output to PDF and downloads it to. To save form output normally we take print screen of output and save it in word document. But what if you know the trick to convert it into pdf. Save and activate the adobe form interface.

Convert smartform to adobe form in sap

Now create an adobe form layout. Drag and drop the global variables of the interface into the context of our adobe form layout. Change the Lyout Type To ZZCI Layout.

Step 3: Now import design from an external file. You need to first convert the design file like.


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