Auspicious in a sentence

How to use auspicious in a sentence? What is an example of auspicious? Auspicious sentence examples. He made an auspicious debut in the school play.

The marriage did not get off to a very auspicious start. The story pointed out several auspicious symbols.

The rising of the new moon was an auspicious occasion. For example, the use. His brilliant acceptance speech was an auspicious start to his political career. Everybody knows the end of the year is an auspicious time to buy a car!

It was an auspicious day. An auspicious day dedicated to the. In an auspicious time of family re-. I feel this is an auspicious time. The trip was off to an auspicious start.

At this auspicious moment the knocker sounded. And the auspicious fruit of all. My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours. Their first meeting was hardly auspicious. The most auspicious moment to work with unwed fathers, says Horn , is around the time of the birth of their children , when almost half are cohabiting with the mothers.

The timing is auspicious for such a move with the Tiananmen anniversary fast approaching. And on that auspicious note, the Dallas Burn was introduced. Examples of auspicious start in a sentence, how to use it. Definition of auspicious.

But one auspicious omen appears in the graphic sidebar accompanying the article. On some auspicious day. The auspicious week dawned. Here was an auspicious beginning to a serious conversation!

Something that is auspicious indicates that success is likely. His career as a playwright had an auspicious start. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

Well, that's something of an auspicious start, but that's why they have the phrase auspicious start, because one often starts that way,” I sai trying to cover up my embarrassment for the sloppy turn. Sentence with the word auspicious. In the Tibetan tradition, I later learne offering a white silk scarf called a khata is an expression of auspicious intentions at the beginning of a relationship.

Find descriptive alternatives for auspicious. Synonyms for auspicious at Thesaurus. Finally, in the towns every house is provided with a detective policeman in the person of the porter (dvornik), who is charged with the duty of reporting to the police the presence of any suspicious characters or anything else that may interest them. In addition to the above there is also a police organization, in direct subordination to the ministry of the interior, of which the principal. Jill was unhappy when the fortune-teller told her she was destined to be inauspicious in love.

My coworker is so bumptious and overbearing that people try and avoid her at lunch.


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