Assimilate meaning

What does assimilate mean? The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly. Kids Definition of assimilate.

She was completely assimilated into her new country. The body assimilates nutrients in food.

When people such as immigrants assimilate into a community or when that community assimilates them, they become an accepted part of it. There is every sign that new Asian-Americans are just as willing to assimilate. Find another word for assimilate. Assimilate : to describe as similar.

That is quite a load to assimilate all at once, Hilton agreed. We have been able to assimilate foreign elements with great rapidity. Democracy has on one side to assimilate aristocracy, and not overturn it.

Become absorbed and integrated into a society or culture.

More example sentences. Definition and synonyms of assimilate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of assimilate.

View American English definition of assimilate. Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for assimilate. The assimilation of ethnic Germans in the US was accelerated by the two world wars. Imported from Latin, assimilate has the word similar within it and in fact, means to become like something else.

Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. If someone moves to another country, he or she will need to assimilate by adapting to and taking in the language, culture and customs of the new place. You can also turn the phrase around to say that a country assimilates immigrants, which means that a place accepts immigrants and allows them to adapt easily. Verb) To incorporate or absorb knowledge into the mind.

The teacher paused in her lecture to allow the students to assimilate what she had said. The committee will need time to assimilate this report. Some people can only assimilate change gradually. My mind could only assimilate one possibility at a time.

In humans this is always done with a chemical breakdown (enzymes and acids) and physical breakdown (oral mastication and stomach churning).

His family tried to assimilate into the white and Hispanic communities. Synonyms and related words. Community and the feeling of belonging to a community. As when a person or thing joins a group.

We sought to assimilate Arnold into the community. To gather ideas in order to understand a subject. N of n (=integration) They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture. If you assimilate new ideas, techniques, or information, you learn them or adopt them. Through assimilation, we take in new information or experiences and incorporate them into our existing ideas.

The process is somewhat subjective because we tend to modify experience or information to fit in with our pre-existing beliefs.


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