Stolid in a sentence

What does stolid mean? Zwingli, who details these articles, as he says, that the world may see that they are fanatical, stoli audacious, impious, can scarcely be acquitted of unfairness in joining together two of them, - the fourth and fifth , - thus making the article treat of the avoiding of abominable pastors in the church (Super devitatione abominabilium pastorum in Ecclesia), though there is nothing about pastors in the fourth article, and nothing about abominations in the fifth, and though in a marginal. He was a stolid man who did not even show his emotions at his mother’s funeral.

Even though the homeless little girl appeared to be hungry, my father remained stolid and did not give her any money for food. Only the most stolid of Republicans came out to vote, and they voted for the most stolid Republican. Stolid in a sentence 1. He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives.

He conceals his feelings behind a rather stolid manner. But the exit of his stolid and respected predecessor, William J. Perry, provokes worry and doubt. Meade’s stolid old Betsy. My father driving, so stolid. Roman education bred an unheard-of and stolid loyalty.

Stolid in a sentence

Our stolid guide, whose name turned out to be Chaaygee. Captain Gorrie was sitting with his Crew and looked as stolid as. A stolid British lift lifted him down to the ground floor of the establishment in something short of five minutes. He was making the passes after a singular fashion, upon a docile fellow who sat bolt upright in a chair with a face of the most stolid gravity.

The Dragon of Earth is the stoli slow, even-tempered one among the Elemental Dragons. The Finns are morally upright , hospitable , faithful and submissive , with a keen sense of personal freedom and. Hiram said not a wor but he sat looking at the other in stolid silence. Eccles faced him unwillingly, with a stolid front but shifty eyes.

Emigrants have no rights , Evremonde , was the stolid reply. On the first day of this labor parliament, up rose a stolid Pole. Its architecture is gray and stolid , its cathedral soaring Gothic. It was a no-nonsense vehicle, Spartan, stolid.

It has shaken off trouble like the most stolid of Russians. As a stolid military-style structure, it is. Sentence with the word stolid. As Jess untied the Queen and helped her down, she saw Brian working hard to keep his expression stolid , to maintain the professional unseeing look all the guardsmen had long perfected. For example, They went on a cruise to try and attempt to escape their stolid lives for at least a week.

Or something like that? Moreover a blunt and stolid regard for literal truth indisposes them to make those lavish promises by which the more judicious Circle can in a moment pacify his consort. A box of candy against a good cigar, they are a stolid married couple. But if stolid , Timmins had his fair share of a certain slow pugnacity. How stolid they were and how matter of fact and how sensible.

The teenage girl thought the nursing home party sounded staid. Since my aunt is a nun, she always wears such a staid look on her face. How to use stolid -looking in a sentence.

I felt rather startled when we left the valley, for we came suddenly upon a large party of Indians who seemed very different to the quiet, stolid -looking beings we had been accustomed to see with their skin canoes, or busy fishing along the side of the river.


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